I fell and broke my right arm on the 16th, and the degree of difficulty of everything has been temporarily increased. Typing is difficult. Driving is difficult. Can't walk through a door carrying anything, because I can't turn doorknobs - doorknobs I never really noticed until they became barriers. I managed a blog post a few days ago, but it will be a little while before the next one moves from heart through head and hands to hyperlink.
Being quiet is good. With Mrs. Peel on my lap, it's very good indeed. I love to read, she loves to purr, and we both stare, and think. Something's bound to come of it. In the meantime, if you would please pray for a speedy restoration to health (and some breaking up of a bureaucratic logjam), I would be very grateful. And fewer doorknobs.
And remember, it's still Christmas. The 12 days don't end on the 25th. They start there, and we're in them. Rejoice!
Meg and I always celebrate the 12 days of Christmas even though everyone else seems to be taking down their decorations already. Hope your wing heals quickly!
Posted by: [email protected] | December 28, 2012 at 07:16 PM
Sending our thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery. About a week ago I sprained my ankle. I now feel the same way about stairs as you do about doorknobs. I think long and hard before I commit to a painful journey. We just don't bounce back the way we used to.
Hope you feel better soon.
C. J.
Posted by: C. J. Tuminello | December 28, 2012 at 08:33 PM
Saddened to hear of your wing misfortune. Hope you can pull it together, heal and get full use again real soon. Thanks for a year of interesting and insightful writings, informative articles and words about values on the site. Not to mention musings on life with Mrs. Peel! And hoping the New Year is a great one for you.
Posted by: Kim | December 30, 2012 at 02:57 PM
Animals make the best nurses (this means you, Mrs. Peel)! Heal quickly, Laurel.
Posted by: Cat | January 03, 2013 at 08:49 PM